Wednesday, December 27, 2017

5 Benefits of Philanthropy for Volunteers

Philanthropy is something all of us should participate in, no matter what cause we hope to support. There’s an endless number of organizations out there that are desperate for volunteers. You can provide your time or money; either can go a long way with a nonprofit. Find a cause you’re passionate about and then choose a way to help them. While volunteering and supporting a charity is a great way to help out others, there are plenty of benefits you’ll receive as a volunteer as well.
Emotional lift
No matter how you do it, giving back to other people feels good, for you and the person you’re helping. When you’re making someone else’s life better, you’ll see that yours begins to improve as well. Dr. Stephen Post has spoken extensively about this occurrence, pointing out how science now backs up these theories that a philanthropist greatly benefits from charity as well. When you participate in philanthropy, in any way, you get a rush of feel-good chemicals to your brain that yield positive results.
Better health
Plenty of research has been done on the health benefits of philanthropy. While it’s proven you’ll feel better emotionally through charity, giving back always boosts your physical health. People who regularly engage in philanthropy, especially through volunteering, generally live longer lives. You’re less likely to experience high blood pressure, heart disease, or high levels of stress, among many other health benefits.
New relationships
One of the best parts of volunteering is the new connections you’ll form. You’ll get to meet people you’re helping and really see how you make a difference in their lives. By helping a philanthropy, you’ll also meet the people who work there and others who are passionate about the same causes as you. These connections can lead to enriching relationships, such as new friends or even business relationships that’ll benefit you in other areas of your life.
Job benefits
Like I mentioned above, you could meet people that’ll help you find a more rewarding job. You never know who you could meet while volunteering or helping out a philanthropy; maybe you’ll realize you actually want to officially work for that philanthropy yourself. Depending on what charity you’re supporting, you can also learn new skills that’ll help you in other areas of life, such as practical skills like work on homes or some other task you’re assisting a philanthropy with. Do not be afraid to try something new; if you’re volunteering your time, you’re certainly helping the organization out. Most charities train new volunteers, so you’ll be able to learn about a skill if you don’t already have it.
Become a better person
Simply by spending time with those in need will help you become a better person all around. You’ll feel more fulfilled and understand the value of helping others. If you work on cultivating a philanthropic mindset, you’ll carry that over into all areas of your life. Learning to help others and not focus entirely on yourself is a valuable trait that far too few people possess.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

6 Benefits of Krav Maga

Krav Maga is one of the most intense forms of self defense, but also an incredibly effective one. In fact, it’s so effective that militaries and police forces teach it to people in order to help them in difficult situations. If you’re concerned about your personal safety or just want the skills necessary to defend yourself, Krav Maga is a fantastic option. While you should be in relatively decent physical shape, virtually anyone can learn it with some hard work and practice. If you’re unconvinced, here are some of the top benefits of learning Krav Maga.
Improve your health
One of the best benefits of Krav Maga is how you’ll improve your health and fitness level while training. Krav Maga is intense, but that shouldn’t scare you away. With practice, you’ll be able to get down the technique and watch yourself become stronger in the process. You can learn Krav Maga no matter your fitness level when beginning, but throughout training you’ll incorporate cardio and other exercises into the routine that help your overall fitness level.
Ensure your safety
For most people, they learn Krav Maga in order to feel safe. No matter who you are, it’s important to make your safety a priority. Krav Maga teaches that your first step should be attempting to diffuse a difficult situation, but it’s also recognized that sometimes that simply isn’t possible. With the techniques you learn, you’ll be able to adequately defend yourself against an attacker, even if they’re larger and stronger than you are.
Adopt a new hobby
Krav Maga is a fantastic and healthy hobby that provides a great way to spend your time. If you’re looking for something new to do, find a local Krav Maga class and begin training. It’ll take up a lot of your time and focus and is a pretty interesting skill to possess.
Relieve stress
Like most physical activities, Krav Maga is a fantastic stress reliever. You’ll relieve tension and stress by working your muscles and focusing on the task at hand. It’s an activity that requires a lot of focus, so you can’t worry about other issues while working on your technique. You’ll be able to get out any physical aggression you might be feeling through your routine and training and you’ll feel much more at ease afterwards.
Train your mind
Krav Maga requires intense focus on what you’re doing and also teaches you to remain calm in stressful situations. You learn to be aware of your surroundings and manage your emotions in a constructive way. Learning to focus on specific tasks and carefully monitor your movements can help you in any area of life.
It’s practical
One of the key components of Krav Maga that makes it so effective is that it’s practical and developed to work in real-life situations. When you need to use self defense, it’s never in a controlled setting where an attacker waits for you to collect yourself and move. Krav Maga teaches you how to work in stressful and unexpected situations; the skills you learn are applicable in actual life instead of simply at a training center.

Friday, December 15, 2017

The Importance of Diversifying Literature Read in Class

No matter what age or level you’re teaching, you must incorporate diverse types of books into your required reading for your class. Classical literature is great; there’s much we can learn from it and it should by no means be discounted or ignored. However, as educators, we must also incorporate diverse literature; it’s the best for students and our world. Here are some of the top reasons why you should be incorporating diverse the literature you have students read in your class.
It prepares them for the real world
Students who read a wide variety of literature are more prepared for the world at large. While reading any kind of fiction has been shown to increase empathy and other abilities, reading diverse types of literature give students an insight into the diversity of the world at large. For many students, reading about an event or experience in a book is the first encounter they’ll have with it. Once they get outside of the classroom, they’ll be more likely to encounter different events and may be better prepared for these after reading about them.
It presents other experiences and cultures
All people have different lives and it’s important for young people to recognize this fact and realize their life is likely completely different from the person next to them. By reading books that feature different perspectives and cultures, students can have a greater understanding of the world at large and the variety of people in it. It’s known that the more someone is exposed to a person different from them, the more accepting they become of that person. Literature is a great way to cultivate this open-mindedness.
More students can relate to it
In her TedTalk, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discusses how revolutionary it was for her to read books that featured people like her. No matter what background your students may come from, they’ll find it hard to relate to people who lived decades or centuries ago and led lives completely removed from their own. Including more recent and varied literature helps students relate to authors who may have had experiences like their own or come from a similar cultural background.
It’s often easier to understand
Literature written in the 18th, 19th, or 20th centuries is going to be drastically different from something written in the last few decades. Incorporate some more recent literature into your reading lists in order to make it easier for your students to comprehend. Reading difficult literature can be enriching and a positive experience, but it gets a bit stale if those are the only options for students to read.
You’re supporting new writers
Even if the author of a work is no longer alive, you’re still supporting lesser known writers. Whether it’s financial support or simply spreading around knowledge of an author’s name, having students read lesser known writers helps support these authors and get their work more exposure.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Raising Conservation Awareness

As people and businesses go about their daily activities, environmental conservation is often the last thing on their minds. People buy products with excess packaging, use water carelessly, and damage the habitats of wild animals by improperly disposing of trash. Reminding people and business owners that conservation is a vital activity can be challenging, but the benefits can spread to every living thing in the environment.
In today’s landscape, there are so many political and social causes that conservation awareness can be lost in the shuffle. People are jaded and feel like they can’t spare any more energy to care about the world. It’s important to promote environmental awareness in positive ways, rather than using scare tactics, which may only make some people care less about the environment. For example, local businesses can be encouraged to reduce waste and recycle by using a social media campaign.
Use social media
Social media can be a perfect way to raise awareness without lecturing. Internet users love to utilize hashtags. Encourage visitors to parks and forests to take photos and tag them with conservation-related phrases. In social media campaigns, people can also be challenged to do one more environmentally friendly thing a day and to post about it. For example, users may post about turning off the lights in a room when leaving, or about picking up trash around their homes. A small action each day is better than none.
Teach children
The most important way to raise awareness is by teaching our own children to take care of the environment. Children naturally look up to parents and authority figures and model their values after them. Parents should be aware of their own actions and make sure they are environmentally sound. For example, lecturing children about wasting water falls on deaf ears when the child sees a parent letting the water run while brushing their teeth.
Children can effect powerful change on their own. A child who learns about environmental conservation at school is likely to go home and share the information with his or her family. Led by the children, the whole family may use resources more wisely. When children in youth groups, for example, encourage a business to behave in a more environmentally friendly fashion, the business is more likely to pay attention as opposed to an adult activist’s message being brushed off or ignored. Children can encourage businesses to use packaging that is less wasteful or to use recycled materials.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Let’s Talk About Mountain Lions

Mountain lions also go by various other names, such as cougar, puma, or catamount. You can find them throughout North and South America and they are the second-heaviest cat in the world. While mountain lions are very large, they are also closely related to domestic cats. However, do not let this family connection fool you; mountain lions can be deadly. While mountain lions are not as common in the United States as they once were, you may still run into one while out in the woods, so it’s important to know some basic facts about them and also how you can protect this vulnerable species.
Hunting traits
In the Americas, mountain lions are one of the top predators, placed next to the gray wolf and different types of bears. Due to their size and skills, cougars have few natural predators, often only competing with the other apex predators in the Americas. Currently, the biggest threat to mountain lions are humans, due to poaching and habitat fragmentation.
Cougars are mainly solitary predators who spend most of their time alone, ruling over wide territories. These big cats are very reclusive and rarely approach people. Mountain lion attacks are rare and often occur because humans have begun encroaching on their territories or interfered with a hunt. Mountain lions typically hunt deer, though they will also hunt smaller animals if necessary and the opportunity arises. They’re nocturnal and do most of their hunting during dusk or dawn, which is made possible by their fantastic hearing and sight. This big cat is mostly muscle, particularly their powerful back legs, which allow them to jump around 40 feet when pouncing.
Threatened status
While mountains lions are not considered seriously threatened, their population is steadily decreasing. In some areas of the Americas, they run the risk of having their populations completely wiped out by farmers or other humans who do not want the cats around their homes. It’s understandable that people are upset if they feel threatened or have their animals hunted by cougars, but it’s also important to remember that we’re in their territory and to take steps to avoid conflict. In some states, hunting cougars is legal, but must also be carefully regulated. Recently, it’s been shown that these animals are moving further east in the United States as they search for new territory. It’s important to respect their space, but also take steps to keep yourself safe in order to peacefully coexist with them.
What you can do
One of the best steps you can take to protect mountain lions is educating yourself. Know where their habitats are and what signs to look out for that would indicate a mountain lion is nearby. Avoiding these animals as much as you can keeps them (and you) safe. You can also donate to and volunteer at wildlife refuges that protect cougars. If you encounter a cougar in the wild, back away as slowly as possible, make yourself look large, and make a lot of noise to intimidate them.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Involved in Martial Arts

No matter who you are, there’s a way for you to get involved in martial arts. Many gyms and fitness centers offer classes for beginners and have a certified trainer you can work with. You could also find a specific gym for a certain type of martial arts you’d like to learn and work on learning the techniques and moves. Watching professionals can be intimidating, but there are plenty of options for starting to learn. Here are some of the many reasons you should get involved in martial arts.
  1. Fitness
Martial arts is extremely good for the body. You’ll learn to use muscles you weren’t even aware you had for each different move, kick, and punch. This will initially come with aches and pains, but soon the body becomes strong. Multiple weekly fitness activities are recommended for every able-bodied person.
  1. Mind focus
Martial arts teaches you discipline of the mind. In fact, that is a key tenant of the practice, and everyone who practices will learn it. One must focus in order to practice and fully execute the moves. This is the only way to master the art and is a great added benefit!
  1. Decreased anxiety
Exercise has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and stress in people. This means that any activity will help, but especially one as involved and focused as martial arts! A regular exercise program, such as multiple lessons and practices a week, keeps the anxiety down on a regular basis.
  1. Self defense
With the world being as it is today, it is nice to be able to defend one’s self. Martial arts is the ultimate practice of defending one’s self, and having that confidence and skill will make you go from feeling helpless to feeling like you have agency to defend yourself.
  1. Confidence
An ancient and world-encompassing martial arts practice is a terrific way to build confidence. Having the ability to channel your body and mind into an exercise and defense is extremely confidence building. Everyone in the world needs confidence, and martial arts is well-known for creating this in its practitioners.
  1. Group support
Being part of a group is wonderful. Groups lend support and happiness to those who join them. Martial arts is the same and it is hard not to become a group when people are sharing sweat and hits. Becoming part of the overall movement is also another great way to be part of a group.
  1. Learn conflict resolution
Every martial arts teaches conflict resolution and diffusing the situation before using any skills acquired during study. The top goal is to exit or break down the situation rather than having to resort to physical action. This is because it can be dangerous and words are better to use first. Martial arts is a smart practice that teaches you how to communicate better and maneuver difficult situations.

What’s Happening to Lions?

Lions are one of the most majestic creatures on this planet. Many people recognize their beauty and would travel to another country in...